Director's Message

I take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to St. Mark's !

I am delighted you may be considering St. Mark's for your child's education.

Over the past 20 years, we have taken inspiration from our beloved Founder, Ms. Maureen Fernandez and grown St. Mark’s to what it is today, embracing her values and love for children and passion for education.

I welcome you to know more about our beloved Founder Ms. Maureen Fernandez.

St. Mark's is a modern and forward-looking school where the traditions of the past meet the modern techniques and technologies of today.

It is a happy place where dedicated, professional teachers encourage our children to do their best in their extra curricular activities and academic studies and to enjoy everything that is on offer. Boys and girls are encouraged to be responsible and ambitious in their goals and to work hard to achieve them; however, we make sure there is also plenty of time to play and have fun.

I believe our appeal as a school rests in our strong sense of family and community, in the values we celebrate, in our commitment to realizing the potential of our children, and in providing a balanced education program that addresses the individual character, academic, social, emotional and physical aspects of our student’s lives.

I hope you will visit us so that you can see for yourself why it is that we have become known as a place of “Quality Holistic Education”.

Kenneth Mark
President – All Kerala Kindergarten & Pre Schools Association
Member – IBE, UNESCO, Geneva.





